The effect of investment treaty arbitration on WTO dispute settlement: Tobacco plain packaging disputes and beyond |
Dr Anastasios Gourgourinis, University of Athens - 1 May 2014 |
Anastasios Gourgourinis |
Lecture III: Law in Globalization |
Harold Koh, Sterling Professor of International Law at Yale Law School - 13 May 2014 |
Harold Koh |
Lecture II: Law of Globalization |
Harold Koh, Sterling Professor of International Law at Yale Law School - 8 May 2014 |
Harold Koh |
Excision, Exclusion and Exile: Australia's Refugee Policy and Responsibility Shifting in the Asia-Pacific |
Dr Michelle Foster, Melbourne Law School |
Michelle Foster |
Are Arbitrators Political? |
Dr M Waibel, University of Cambridge |
Michael Waibel |
Whaling: the Gordian knot of animal rights and cultural diversity |
Professor M Fitzmaurice, Queen Mary University of London |
Malgosia Fitzmaurice |
Trashed, or treasured? Which will be the fate of international dispute resolution? |
The Honorable Charles N Brower, 20 Essex Street |
Charles N Brower |
Culture Clashes in International Criminal Law |
Professor E van Sliedregt, VU University of Amsterdam |
E van Sliedregt |
Do Dead Civilians have Human Rights? International Legal Obligations towards Civilian Casualties in Armed Conflict |
Professor S Breau, University of Reading |
S Breau |
Women’s experiences of detention |
Sarah Campbell (Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID), UK) |
Sarah Campbell |
So many ways to love you: Negotiating love in a prison |
Rimple Metha (Jadavpur University, India) |
Rimple Metha |
A prison that isn't a prison: Globalization, mobility control, and state power |
Thomas Ugelvik (University of Oslo, Norway) |
Thomas Ugelvik |
Time, space, and trust: Some methodological challenges of researching immigration detention |
Sarah Turnbull (University of Oxford, UK) |
Sarah Turnbull |
Experiencing immigration detention |
Kizza Musinguizi (London, UK) |
Kizza Musinguizi |
Prisons as places to negotiate ‘illegality’ |
Steven De Ridder (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
Steven De Ridder |
Borders: A view from ‘nowhere’ |
Rimple Metha (Jadavpur University, India) |
Rimple Metha |
From banlieue youth to undocumented migrant: Illegalized foreign-nationals in penal institutions and public space |
Carolina Sanchez Boe (Aarhus University) |
Carolina Sanchez Boe |
Strengths and constraints of the prison life: Identity and sense of belonging of imprisoned maras in Honduras |
Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera |
Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera |
Trajectories and identities of foreign national women: Rethinking prison through the lens of gender and citizenship |
Raquel Matos (Catolica University) |
Raquel Matos |
The neocolonial prison and the ‘mark’ of whiteness in current Argentina: Race, gender and chronopolitics in media accounts of incarcerated immigrant population |
Victoria Pereyra (Warwick University) |
Victoria Pereyra |
The End of Settler Societies and Why it Changes Immigration |
Professor Catherine Dauvergne, University of British Columbia |
Catherine Dauvergne |
The End of Settler Societies and Why it Changes Immigration |
Professor Catherine Dauvergne, University of British Columbia |
Catherine Dauvergne |
The Challenge of Adjudicating Social Democratic Values in a Capitalist Society |
Judge Dhaya Pillay, Judge of the High Court in Pietermaritzburg and Durban |
Dhaya Pillay |
International Law and the Emergence of Mercantile Capitalism: Grotius to Smith |
Professor M Koskenniemi, University of Helsinki |
M Koskenniemi |
International law and foreign policy: some practical questions |
Mr Qudsi Rasheed, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) |
Qudsi Rasheed |
What is an International Crime? |
Professor K J Heller, SOAS/ University of Melbourne |
Kevin Heller |
Behind Marx's "hidden abode": toward an expanded conception of capitalism |
Nancy Fraser, Henry A. and Louise Loeb Professor of Political and Social Science and Department Chair at The New School |
Nancy Fraser |
Child Soldiers - Protected beyond Gender? An International Criminal Law Perspective |
Patricia Sellers, Special Adviser on International Criminal Law Prosecution Strategies and Visiting Fellow, Oxford University |
Patricia Sellers |
Drone Attacks: Promotion and Protection of Human Hights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism |
Ben Emmerson QC, Matrix Chambers, and United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. |
Ben Emmerson |
Stigma and exclusion to rights and dignity: a human rights approach to poverty |
Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights - 5 Nov 2013. |
Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona |
Democratic Statehood in International Law |
Dr Jure Vidmar, University of Oxford - 2 May 2013. |
Jure Vidmar |
Why Sentencing Matters |
Professor Andrew Ashworth - Roger Hood Annual Public Lecture Series - 23 May 2013. |
Andrew Ashworth |
South Africa's Constitutional Court: Battling populist political pressure |
Hugh Corder, Professor of Public Law, University of Cape Town - 15 May 2013. |
Hugh Corder |
Responses to collective religious hatred: Elements of a human rights-based coping strategy |
Professor Heiner Bielefeldt, Professor of Human Rights and Human Rights Policy, University of Erlangen and UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief - 26 April 2013. |
Heiner Bielefeldt |
Reducing Genocide to Law: Definition, Meaning, and the Ultimate Crime |
Professor Payam Akhavan, McGill University - 21 February 2013. |
Payam Akhavan |
Religion, Equality and Discrimination |
Aileen McColgan, King's College London and Matrix Chambers - 13 March 2013. |
Aileen McColgan |
Transnational Organized Crime at Sea |
Dr Efthymios Papastavridis, Academy of Athens - 24 January 2013. |
Efthymios Papastavridis |
Placing Filipino Caregivers in Canadian Homes: Regulating Transnational Employment Agencies |
Judy Fudge, Lansdowne Chair in Law at the University of Victoria, Canada; Visiting Senior Fellow at the European Institute in Florence and Leverhulme Visiting Professor at Kent Law School - 20 February 2013. |
Judy Fudge |
The Investment Treaty System as Judicial Review: Some Remarks on its Nature, Scope and Standards |
Dr Federico Ortino, King's College London - 7 February 2013. |
Federico Ortino |
Interpreting Human Rights in New Zealand and the UK: Expansive but Narrow, Narrow but Expansive |
Kris Gledhill, University of Auckland - 17 January 2013. |
Kris Gledhill |
An Agenda for the Prevention of Human Trafficking: Non-Discrimination and Empowerment |
Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - 20 November 2012. |
Maria Grazia Giammarinaro |
The relations between jus ad bellum and jus in bello: independence versus conflation |
Dr V Koutroulis, Visiting Fellow, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law - 29 November 2012. |
Vaios Koutroulis |
Immunities and Extradition: The Curious Case of Khurts Bat |
Dr R O'Keefe, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Cambridge - 15 November 2012. |
Roger O'Keefe |
Is the Rome Statute Binding on Individuals? |
Dr M Milanovic, Lecturer in Law, University of Nottingham - 1 November 2012. |
Marko Milanovic |
Implications of America's Desegregation Landmark in the World |
Martha Minnow, Jeremiah Smith, Jr. Professor of Law and Dean of the Harvard Law School - 20 June 2012. |
Martha Minnow |
The Independence of Scotland |
Professor J Crawford, Whewell Professor of International Law, University of Cambridge - 25 October 2012. |
James Crawford |
Are investments still protected under Intra-EU BITs? |
David Reed, Partner, International Arbitration Division, Arnold and Porter - 18 October 2012. |
David Reed |
Mr. Salomon and M. Diallo: Personality and Protection in International Law |
Professor H Thirlway, Former Principal Legal Secretary, International Court of Justice - 11 October 2012. |
Hugh Thirlway |
Taking Direct Discrimination Cases out of the Straightjacket of Crude Comparator Analysis: A Shift to a Stronger Principle of Equality |
Justice Kevin Bell, Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria - 16 October 2012. |
Kevin Bell |
The European Court of Justice's treatment of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights |
Gráinne De Búrca, NYU School of Law - 8 October 2012. |
Gráinne De Búrca |
Allocating Risk Through Contract |
Evidence from M and A. |
John C Coates |
The Political Economy of Dodd-Frank |
Why Financial Reform tends to be Frustrated and Systemic risk perpetuated. |
John C Coffee |
How public international law has been made, found and proven from the 17th to the 21st century |
2011 Youard Lecture in Legal History. |
Stefan Talmon |
Impact and Influence in Contemporary Criminology: The Question of Feminism |
The 2011 Roger Hood Annual Public Lecture was delivered by Professor Frances Heidensohn of the Department of Sociology at the London School of Economics. |
Frances Heidensohn |
Valedictory Seminar by Andrew Bridges, Chief Inspector of Probation |
On 16 May 2011, the Centre for Criminology, Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford, hosted Mr Andrew Bridges' valedictory lecture on the occasion of his retirement as Chief Inspector of Probation. |
Andrew Bridges |
Leverhulme Lecture 2010: The Future of Securitisation |
Third and Final lecture in the 2010 Leverhulme Lecture series held in the Law Faculty, St Cross college in November 2010. |
Steven Schwarcz |
Leverhulme Lecture 2010: Regulating Complexity in Financial Markets |
Second leverhulme lecture in the 2010 series held in the Law Faculty, St Cross College in November. |
Steven Schwarcz |
Leverhulme Lecture 2010: The Global Financial Crisis and Systematic Risk |
First of the Leverhulme Lectures held in the Law Faculty of St Cross College November 2010. |
Steven Schwarcz |
13. How Statute Law is Made Lecture |
Lecture by Stephen Laws, First Parliamentary Council, on the making of statutes. Given at the University of Oxford on 11 October 2010. |
Stephen Laws |
12. The Law Commissioner: The role of the Law Commission in the Legislative Process |
Interview with Lord Justice Etherton, Chairman of the Law Commission 2006-2009, on the role of the Law Commission in the legislative process. |
Lord Justice Etherton, Phillip Sales |
11. The Legal Adviser: The Role of the Joint Committee on Human Rights in the Legislative Process |
Interview with Murray Hunt, Legal Adviser to Parliament's Joint Committee on Human Rights on the role of the Joint Committee on Human Rights in the legislative process. |
Murray Hunt, Phillip Sales |
10. Parliamentary Officials: The Parliamentary procedure for making an Act of Parliament |
Interview with Parliamentary officials David Natzler from the Public Bill Office in the House of Commons and Sarah Jones from the House of Lords on The Parliamentary procedure for making an Act of Parliament. |
David Natzler, Sarah Jones, Phillip Sales |
09. The Drafter: Pre-legislative scrutiny of Bills and the role of Parliamentary Counsel as a Bill proceeds through Parliament |
Interview with Stephen Laws, First Parliamentary Counsel, on pre-legislative scrutiny of Bills and the role of Parliamentary Counsel as a Bill proceeds through Parliament. |
Stephen Laws, Phillip Sales |
08. The Drafter: How Parliamentary Counsel sets about drafting an Act of Parliament |
Interview with Stephen Laws, First Parliamentary Counsel, on how Parliamentary Counsel sets about drafting an Act of Parliament. |
Stephen Laws, Phillip Sales |
07. The Drafter: The role of Parliamentary Counsel at the planning stage for legislation |
Interview with Stephen Laws, First Parliamentary Counsel on the role of Parliamentary Counsel at the planning stage for legislation. |
Stephen Laws, Phillip Sales |
06. The Departmental Lawyer: The role of officials in a department in handling the passage of a Bill through Parliament |
Interview with Michelle Dyson, a Departmental Lawyer, on the role of officials in a department in handling the passage of a Bill through Parliament. |
Michelle Dyson, Phillip Sales |
05. The Departmental Lawyer: The detailed development by a Government Department of proposals for legislation |
Interview with Michelle Dyson, Departmental Lawyer, on the detailed development by a Government Department of proposals for legislation. |
Michelle Dyson, Phillip Sales |
04. The Departmental Lawyer: The process within a Government Department for development of the policy ideas underlying legislative proposals |
Interview with Michelle Dyson, Departmental Lawyer on the process within a Government Department for development of the policy ideas underlying legislative proposals. |
Michelle Dyson, Phillip Sales |
03. The Politician: A Minister's role in taking a Bill through Parliament |
Interview with Lord Falconer on a minister's role in taking a Bill through Parliament. |
Lord Falconer, Phillip Sales |
02. The Politician: How a Government Minister gets proposals accepted for presentation as part of the Government's legislative programme |
How a Government Minister gets proposals accepted for presentation as part of the Government's legislative programme. Interview with Lord Falconer of Thoroton, former Lord Chancellor. |
Lord Falconer, Phillip Sales |
01. Introduction to Making Legislation series |
Phillip Sales, High Court Judge and Statute Law Society member introduces the Making Legislation series which will look at how new laws are created. |
Phillip Sales |
Scandinavian Exceptionalism: Five Dangers Ahead |
Nils Christie of the Institute of Criminology at the University of Oslo presented the 5th Roger Hood Annual Public Lecture entitled, 'Scandinavian Exceptionalism: Five Dangers Ahead'. |
Nils Christie |
Mooting - A Short Introduction |
This video includes footage taken at the 2009 Shearman and Sterling LLP University of Oxford Moot Competition and features short interviews with participants, who explain what mooting is and talk about their experiences mooting in Oxford. |
Stefanie Wilkins, Emily Mackenzie, Tessa Khan, Stephen Kosmin, Hannah Noyce |
Shearman and Sterling Moot Competition 2009 - semi-final |
The Shearman and Sterling LLP University of Oxford Moot Competition has become established as the most prestigious mooting competition within the University. This video features one of the semi-final moots in the 2009 competition. |
Hannah Noyce, Emily Mackenzie, Stephen Kosmin |
Mock Law Interview |
This video shows a mock interview for an undergraduate place to study law. |
Ben McFarlane |