DMRG in Quantum Chemistry: From its relation to traditional methods to n-orbital density matrices and beyond |
In my talk I will attempt to provide an overview on the application of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm in quantum chemistry. |
Markus Reiher |
(Almost) 25 Years of DMRG - What Is It About? |
In this talk, I will introduce DMRG both from the historical (statistical) and modern (matrix product state) perspective, highlighting why it has become the method of choice for one-dimensional quantum systems in and out of equilibrium. |
Ulrich Schollwöck |
Openness of a Many-fermion Quantum System from the Generalized Pauli Principle |
Information about the interaction of a many-electron quantum system with its environment is encoded within the one-electron density matrix (1-RDM). |
Romit Chakraborty |
Generalized Pauli Constraints in Reduced Density Matrix Functional Theory |
Reduced Density Matrix Functional Theory is a method that relies on the 1-1 correspondence between the ground state wavefunction of many electron systems and the first order reduced density matrix(1RDM) and uses the second one as its fundamental valuable. |
Iris Theophilou |
Quasipinning and Extended Hartree-Fock Method based on Generalized Pauli Constraints |
It is now known that fermionic natural occupation numbers (NON) do not only obey Pauli’s exclusion principle but are even stronger restricted by the so-called generalized Pauli constraints (GPC). |
Carlos Benavides-Riveros |
Fermionic Exchange Symmetry: Quantifying its Influence beyond Pauli’s Exclusion Principle |
The Pauli exclusion principle has a strong impact on the properties and the behavior of most fermionic quantum systems. Remarkably, even stronger restrictions on fermionic natural occupation numbers follow from the fermionic exchange symmetry. |
Felix Tennie |
Pinning of Fermionic Occupation Numbers |
The Pauli exclusion principle is a constraint on the natural occupation numbers of fermionic states. |
Matthias Christandl |
Calculation Of Generalized Pauli Constraints |
In the talk I am planning to explain two different solutions of N-representability problem and then give the algorithm to calculate GPCs. |
Murat Altunbulak |
Derivation of the time-dependent Hartree(-Fock)-equation |
In the talk I will present recent progress in proving closeness of the microscopic and effective description for systems of many fermions. |
Peter Pickl |
Physical Meaning of Natural Orbitals and Natural Occupation Numbers |
Physical Meaning of Natural Orbitals and Natural Occupation Numbers |
Nicole Helbig |
Introduction and Overview of the Reduced Density Matrix Functional Theory |
In this presentation, we review the theoretical foundations of RDMFT the most successful approximations and extensions, we assess present-day functionals on applications to molecular and periodic systems and we discuss the challenges and future prospect |
Nektarios N. Lathiotakis |
Quantum Marginal Problem and Generalized Pauli Constraints |
I will give an introduction to the univariate quantum marginal problem using an elementary mathematical point of view. In particular, I will explain how extremality of the local spectrum carries structural information about the global wave function. |
David Gross |
Two-electron Reduced Density Matrices in Quantum Chemistry and Physics |
Strongly correlated quantum systems are not easily described with conventional quantum chemistry formalism because the number of non-negligible configurations grows exponen- tially with the number of orbitals actively participating in the correlation. |
David A. Mazziotti |
Entanglement Spectroscopy and its application to the fractional quantum Hall phases |
In this talk, we will give an overview of the entanglement spectroscopy with a focus on to the fractional quantum Hall phases. |
Nicolas Regnault |
Why should anyone care about computing with anyons? |
In this talk Jiannis Pachos discusses a variety of different topics starting from characterizing knot invariants, their quantum simulation with exotic particles called anyons and finally the possible realization of anyons in the laboratory. |
Jiannis Pachos |
Quantum Geometry, Exclusion Statistics, and the Geometry of "Flux Attachment" in 2D Landau levels |
Duncan Haldane talks about Quantum Geometry, Exclusion Statistics, and the Geometry of "Flux Attachment" in 2D Landau levels. |
Duncan Haldane |
Exchange symmetry and anyon virial coefficients |
This talk mentions some aspects of the theory of identical particles, for example, treating neutrons and protons as identical particles distinguished by a quantum number called isotopic spin. |
Jan Myrheim |
Exchange statistics - Basic concepts |
In this talk Jon Magne Leinaas from University of Oslo reviews some of the basic ideas and questions related to the exchange symmetry of identical particles. |
Jon Magne Leinaas |
Higgs boson-like particle discovery claimed at the Large Hadron Collider |
Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider claim the discovery of the Higgs boson particle. Alan Barr of Oxford's Physics department, UK physics coordinator for LHC's ATLAS experiment, describes what it means for science. |
Alan Barr, Steven Legg |
Alan Barr on Particle Physics |
Dr Alan Barr, University Lecturer in the Particle Physics group in the University of Oxford's Department of Physics, discusses the particle physics experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, CERN, Switzerland. |
Alan Barr, Peter Robinson |